Codes and Conventions on Documentaries

The codes and conventions for Documentaries is that it’s a type of genre that uses a narrator. They also are used to push and idea or view on the topic forward. A narrator is to hold the narrative together.

Dietetic and Non-Dietetic is used to represent emotion or a topic. Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:

= voices of characters.

= sounds made by objects in the story.

= music represented as coming from instrument in the story space (= source music )

Non-dietetic sound

Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action:

= narrator’s commentary

= sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect

= mood music

Archive footage is also used to show a variety of views on a topic. A sound track may accompany the visuals.

Interviews are a key element of Documentaries, they bring the story together, usually talking heads/Interviews with eyewitnesses, expert and person related.

An Establishing shot is also used in Most Documentaries to set the scene. The gender of the narrator depends of what you are going going to do.



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